No. 35 (2019): Núm. 35 (2019) enero-junio 2019 Lógoi. Revista de Filosofía.

                    View No. 35 (2019): Núm. 35 (2019) enero-junio 2019 Lógoi. Revista de Filosofía.

This edition is dedicated to the interaction between philosophy and cultural studies, a relationship that in the last five decades has been consolidated in the Anglo-Saxon academies and that finds its place of residence in the language and literature departments. On the one hand, cultural studies theorists find analytical tools in philosophy to address cultural materials, ranging from novels and films to graffiti, architecture, radio, fashion, video games, etc. On the other hand, in this analysis of social narratives that escape, most of the time, from traditional academic canons, cultural studies challenge philosophy and show it new fields to think about culture. In this edition, some of the interdisciplinary experiments that are being developed in the cultural studies of the 21st century will be presented, and that enter into direct dialogue with philosophy.

Published: 2019-08-20