No. 47 (2025): N. 47 (2025) enero-junio. Lógoi. Revista de Filosofía

                    View No. 47 (2025): N. 47 (2025) enero-junio. Lógoi. Revista de Filosofía

This issue 47 of L'ógoi. Revista de Filosofía gathers different reflections on philosophy, culture, identity and ¿Hispano-American?, ¿Latin-American?, ¿Ibero-American?, ¿Indo-American? art. It is pertinent to point out that, in the articles included in this volume, the authors do not offer a unique vision on the nomenclature used to call and culturally group the territories of the Americas. Nothing strange; since, as Arturo Uslar Pietri rightly pointed out, to mention one individual among a long list of intellectuals who have insisted on this point, we have not been able to agree on finding a unique and satisfactory name for our continent. Hispanoamerica, Latinoamerica, Iberoamerica, Indoamerica, Spanish America and other terms appear in the texts of different thinkers, both European and American, who over the years have been concerned with understanding our culture - Hispanoamerican, Latin American, Iberoamerican, Indoamerican, Latin American, Iberoamerican, Indoamerican? It should therefore come as no surprise that the contributors to this publication have different criteria. It should also be emphasized that, if the question on this matter were put to us, we would not hesitate to affirm that the most pertinent denomination is Hispanoamerica; but this is now irrelevant and this is not the place to discuss the reasons for our point of view. Any justification would exceed the limits that have been set for this preamble.


Published: 2025-01-16