No. 040 (2021): Núm. 40 (2021) julio-diciembre 2021. Lógoi. Revista de Filosofía

                    View No. 040 (2021): Núm. 40 (2021) julio-diciembre 2021. Lógoi. Revista de Filosofía
Dedicated to Antonio Pasquali, the themes of this volume seek to reflect on that evident link between reality, philosophical thought and the expressive-communicative need of being in relationship. Philological matter, philosophical reflection, the creation of the spirit are intertwined to understand the world and communicate it. It is a nexus that resides discursively in all fields of human development, in addition to its correlation in culture and communicational processes, areas widely developed by Antonio Pasquali, who assured that any facet of cultural work is necessarily linked to communication. Culture and communication represent the obverse and the reverse of the same process, as well as communication and community, a pair involved in a concomitant relationship. Pasquali postulates communication as a sociocultural interaction of the 'political animal' (being cohabiting in a 'polis'). Communicating is "the essence of human coexistence, community and sociability"
Published: 2021-09-09
