Mythology, modern reason, polymythos and minimal critical theory


  • Javier B. Seoane C.



Myth, Frankfurt School, reason, critical sensual reason, minim, minimal critical theory, polymithos


his article analyzes the implications of the myth notion in its epistemological, political, and ethical levels, related to the modern positive reason, as criticized by Marx Horkheimer, Theodor W. Adorno and particularly Herbert Marcuse, who advances the possibility of a sensual reason. After this point, and accepting that the mythical is the base and foundation of every world's conception, the arguments of the franckfuertian school are opposed to Max Weber's ideas, rekindled by Josetxo Beriain, about a polymathic structure of the modern western culture. Thus, the article concludes with seven propositions concerning the relationship between the mythological and a critical theory, rethinking in minimalist terms, it is, in a different way that the Frankfurt School, a theory that proposes the polymathic plurality against the logics of the domination, that claim for the unity. Tho achieve its hopes, this theory proposes not a possession of the truth, and has not a single speaking subject as an emancipatory subject; for the contrary, is open to all the multiple social actors really existing.


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Author Biography

Javier B. Seoane C.

Profesor e Investigador del Centro de Estudios Filosóficos de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello y Profesor de Teoría Social de la Escuela de Sociología de la Universidad Central de Venezuela.



How to Cite

Seoane C., J. B. (2023). Mythology, modern reason, polymythos and minimal critical theory: Array. Lógoi. Revista De Filosofia, (5), 101–132.


