No. 43 (2023): N. 43 (2023) enero-junio 2023. Lógoi. Revista de Filosofía

					View No. 43 (2023): N. 43 (2023) enero-junio 2023. Lógoi. Revista de Filosofía

To analyse, from the fields of study of each researcher - Anthropology, Epistemology, Aesthetics and Political Philosophy - the difficulties that fiction has in our times to carry out its usual task of augmenting reality and creating worlds. When truths easily become post-truths, narratives become narratives and arguments become narratives, the fundamental dialectic between fiction and reality that runs through our most human condition disappears into a grey and confused territory where it is difficult to distinguish between one and the other. In such a context, the branches of knowledge and the subjects of study, from their own particular framework, nevertheless face common problems. For this reason, the articles presented in this Monograph do not attempt to analyse a single idea from different points of view, but rather, conversely, to show singular problems that affect the different perspectives and which stem from these difficulties in moving today between fiction and reality.


Published: 2023-01-31