God's knowledge of future contingents in the thought of Thomas Aquinas. Status of a dispute


  • Abelardo Bazó Canelón




freedom, eternity, necessary, contingent


A study of A. Kenny (1969) about the divine knowledge of contingent futures as thought by Thomas Aquinas, opened a series of discussions which extended to the 90s. The point is determining whether the position of Aquinas about the contingents futures is logically coherent or not. Also, if it is right to say that Aquinas is a determinist, calling in question of human freedom. The interpretation of several contemporary writers: R. Mulligan, M. Baumer, V. Ferrari, L. Barry, B. Shanley, W.L. Craig and B. Leftow are thoroughly studied in here. Some of them are in favor of the thomistic view; others are more critical, and every one of them gives a peculiar interpretation to the subject. In the end, a tentative of synthetical interpretation is proposed, bearin in mind the status questionis, and trying to follow closely the thought of Aquinas.


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Author Biography

Abelardo Bazó Canelón

Doctor en Filosofía por la Universidad Pontificia de la Santa Cruz (Roma-Italia 2003), especializado en Metafísica Medieval. Profesor de Ética en la Escuela de Educaciónd e la UCAB. Profesor de Metafísica y Filosofía de la Naturaleza en el Seminario San Pedro Apóstol de La Guaira e-mail: abelardo327@hotmail.com


2022-06-20 — Updated on 2005-06-20


How to Cite

Bazó Canelón, A. (2005). God’s knowledge of future contingents in the thought of Thomas Aquinas. Status of a dispute. Lógoi. Revista De Filosofia, (8). https://doi.org/10.62876/lr.v0i8.567 (Original work published June 20, 2022)


