Reflections on Engineering and the Ethical Learning of Engineers


  • María Isabel López Echeverría Universidad Católica Andrés Bello



engineering, engineering university studies, ethics learning, sustainable development


The present work has two parts: a historical account of engineering as an area of knowledge and as a profession, and the consequent evolution in the university education of engineers from the disciplinary view until to the globality, at a general level and in Venezuela, to highlight the complexity that currently presents the study of the profession and its relationship with sustainable development as a technical and social responsibility. In addition, an analysis of the profiles and engineering study programs in a sample of Venezuelan universities composed of public and private management institutions is presented, with the purpose of identifying, in the offer consulted, characteristics of the training related to ethical aspects, legal, and on sustainable development. This analysis was based on a documentary search in reliable digital sources. The results allow us to conclude on the need to have institutional and updated web portals that disclose official information, including graduation profiles and degree study plans, and the importance of renewing engineering study plans to incorporate in them, explicitly and obligatorily, ethical, legal aspects and experiences on sustainable development in technical and social fields, since this is considered an irreplaceable duty in engineering.


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Author Biography

María Isabel López Echeverría, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello

Universidad Católica Andrés Bello.

Caracas. Venezuela.


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How to Cite

López Echeverría, M. I. (2023). Reflections on Engineering and the Ethical Learning of Engineers. Lógoi. Revista De Filosofia, (44), 118–141.