On the Importance of Moral Education: An Examination of Some Arguments For and Against Formal Moral Education


  • José Lezama Quijada University of Adelaide




moral education, values, naturalism, indoctrination


In this article, the author examines some arguments for and against formal moral education. Regarding the arguments in favour of formal moral education, this examination focuses on two arguments: the 'sociological argument' –or the argument about the social benefits of moral education–, and the 'naturalistic argument'. As for the arguments against formal moral education, the analysis also focuses on two arguments: the 'argument about indoctrination', as well as the 'argument about academic priorities'. These two arguments against formal moral education will finally be rebutted to conclude that today formal moral education has more powerful reasons to be defended and promoted than to be relegated or rejected.


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Author Biography

José Lezama Quijada, University of Adelaide

University of Adelaide.

Adelaida, Australia Meridional.


Flinders University.



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How to Cite

Lezama Quijada, J. (2023). On the Importance of Moral Education: An Examination of Some Arguments For and Against Formal Moral Education. Lógoi. Revista De Filosofia, (44), 46–83. https://doi.org/10.62876/lr.vi44.6269