Rheology and anthropology: an invitation to investigate, with metaphysical novelty, the human reality


  • Lucas R. Cañoles-Cuevas Centro Autónomo de Investigación y Docencia "Filosofía Fundamental"
  • Carlos Sierra-Lechuga Centro Autónomo de Investigación y Docencia "Filosofía Fundamental".




experience, noology, structuralism, Xavier Zubiri, realism


Dissatisfied with the available philosophical anthropologies, in this paper we propose the outline of a fundamental anthropology and invite to continue the task. The critique of traditional anthropologies is common to other authors and helps us to justify the elaboration of a new anthropology which we call "rheological". Its first objectives are 1) to show that the human res is “physical” and therefore not “dual” as almost all anthropologies have believed, and 2) to show that if there is something fundamentally human it is not in the classical categories of “psyche”, “reflexivity”, etc., but in what we call “experiencing”, i.e. physically tasting reality, something that the rest of the res do not do. This is a metaphysical and not a "psychological" proposal. Therefore, we will briefly explain what rheology is and, using it as a tool; we will outline some guidelines that delimit a future rheological investigation of human reality.


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Author Biographies

Lucas R. Cañoles-Cuevas , Centro Autónomo de Investigación y Docencia "Filosofía Fundamental"

Centro Autónomo de Investigación y Docencia "Filosofía Fundamental"

Madrid. España.

Carlos Sierra-Lechuga, Centro Autónomo de Investigación y Docencia "Filosofía Fundamental".

Centro Autónomo de Investigación y Docencia "Filosofía Fundamental"

Madrid. España.


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How to Cite

Cañoles-Cuevas , L. R., & Sierra-Lechuga, C. (2022). Rheology and anthropology: an invitation to investigate, with metaphysical novelty, the human reality. Lógoi. Revista De Filosofia, (42), 284–314. https://doi.org/10.62876/lr.vi42.5752