Rheology and chemistry: the question of material realities
Scientifically informed Metaphysics, Structuralism, Philosophy of Science, Chemical Reactivity, Xavier ZubiriAbstract
The question of material realities must be explored both scientifically and philosophically. For the first, on this occasion we will make use of chemistry. For the second, we will justify that the access cannot be ontology, but rheology. We will start with a minimal noology of material things in order to deepen into them. Then we will discuss ontology and rheology: we will talk about the idea of chemical “substance”, ontological pluralisms and other remnants, to give way to a sample of how chemistry and rheology work together. Chemists and rheologists are not one at the service of the other, but both at the service of an investigation of reality. Thus, if by working with the sciences, rheology is a physically responsible metaphysics, it is possible that chemistry (and others) by working with rheology become metaphysically responsible.
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