Relevance of “Reality and the self” according to Xavier Zubiri


  • Edgar E. Blanco Carrero Universidad Central de Venezuela
  • Marcel Chávez Universidad Central de Venezuela



Self, reality, dinamicity, physics, metaphysics.


Our purpose is to examine what Xavier Zubirí understands by ‘Reality and the self’ in his work “Dynamic Structure of Reality”, with the aim of determining its scope and consistency. To do this, we are going to analyze this conception of the self from a Thomist reading, then we will analyze reality and the self, following a Scotist reading for that purpose, then we will reflect about the relevance of Zubiri based on the thought of Juan David García Bacca and Gilles Deleuze, and Felix Guattari; and finally, we will examine what the orientation of these concepts holds, bearing in mind the challenges that metaphysics presents today


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Author Biographies

Edgar E. Blanco Carrero, Universidad Central de Venezuela

Departamento de Historia de la Filosofía

Universidad Central de Venezuela.

Caracas. Venezuela

(Grupo de Investigación de Epistemología y Metafísica -UCV)

Caracas. Venezuela

Marcel Chávez , Universidad Central de Venezuela

Departamento de Historia de la Filosofía

Universidad Central de Venezuela.

Caracas. Venezuela

(Grupo de Investigación de Epistemología y Metafísica -UCV)

Caracas. Venezuela


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How to Cite

Blanco Carrero, E. E. . ., & Chávez , M. (2022). Relevance of “Reality and the self” according to Xavier Zubiri. Lógoi. Revista De Filosofia, (42), 55–79.