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The general problem of the Zubiri’s dynamic structure of reality


  • Ignacio Clavero-Fernández Filosofía Fundamental



Zubiri, Noology, Rheology, Metaphysics, Reality, Dynamism.


This text corresponds to the closing presentation of the international scientific-philosophical research group "Reality and Process". The article consists of two differentiated parts: in the first part there will be a doctrinal exposition limited to the ideas that Xavier Zubiri himself develops in the chapter “Dynamic Structure of Reality”, emphasizing the adoption of a general perspective about the problem of "the" reality. In the second part, there will be a critical-explanatory journey through some central ideas of the Zubirian philosophy ending in a brief metaphysical proposal to display the incipient "Rheology" proposed by Carlos Sierra-Lechuga


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Author Biography

Ignacio Clavero-Fernández, Filosofía Fundamental

Lic. Filosofía Universidad de Murcia

Filosofía Fundamental


Bueno, Gustavo. Ensayos Materialistas, (Madrid: Taurus; 1972).

Gabriel, Markus. Sentido y Existencia: una ontología realista, Raúl Gabás (Trad.), (Barcelona: Herder; 2017).

Laín Entralgo, Pedro. Cuerpo y Alma, (Madrid: Espasa Universidad; 1991).

Sierra-Lechuga, Carlos. “Reología ¿En qué está la novedad?”, Devenires, 42 (2020): 193-211

Sierra-Lechuga, Carlos; Villa Sánchez, José Alfonso (Coord.). El realismo de Xavier Zubiri en el Horizonte del siglo XXI, “Inteligencia Sentiente y Realidad Estante”, (México: Ítaca; 2019).

Zubiri, Xavier. “La Respectividad de lo real”, REALITAS III-IV, (Madrid: 1979): 3-43.

Zubiri, Xavier. Estructura dinámica de la realidad, (Madrid: Alianza Editorial; 1989).

Zubiri, Xavier. Inteligencia Sentiente, (Madrid: Alianza Editorial; 1989).

Zubiri, Xavier. Inteligencia y Logos, (Madrid: Alianza Editorial; 1982).




How to Cite

Clavero-Fernández, I. (2022). The general problem of the Zubiri’s dynamic structure of reality . Lógoi. Revista De Filosofia, (42), 15–32.