Communication Elements for the discussion about the book "Reflections on Liberalism" by Henry Ramos Allup


  • Daniel Lahoud C. Universidad Católica Andrés Bello



Henry Ramos Allup, liberalism


The text to which this review refers was given to me by Mr. Henry Ramos himself in a presentation he gave at CEDICE in 2007. I wrote a brief review that was published in one of the UCAB magazines, and now that he has published a reissue of the same (12 years later) the errors in the book persist, that is why I decided to make a review of it, to make clear some points that strongly call my attention. Review in the academic world, corresponds to a criticism of a fragment, chapter or a complete work.


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Author Biography

Daniel Lahoud C., Universidad Católica Andrés Bello

Universidad Católica Andrés Bello.

Caracas. Venezuela.


Friedman. M. The Optimum Quantity of Money and other Essays. (Chicago: Aldine. 1969).

Hayek: F.A. El Capitalismo y los historiadores. (Madrid: Unión Editorial, 2da. Edición. 1997).

Hayek: F.A. La Fatal Arrogancia, Los errores del socialismo. (Madrid: Unión Editorial, 2da. 1990 [1988]).

Keynes, J. M. La Teoría General del Empleo, el Interés y el Dinero. Biblioteca de Grandes Economistas del Siglo XX, (Madrid: Editorial Aosta, 1998 [1936]).

Mises, L. v. El Socialismo Análisis económico y sociológico. (Madrid: Unión editorial, 4a. ed. 2003 [1922]).

Mises, L. v. Liberalismo [La Tradición Clásica], (Madrid: Unión editorial, 5a. ed. 2007 [1927]).

Mises, L. v. Teoría e Historia, Una Interpretación de la Evolución Social y Económica. (Madrid: Unión editorial, 2003 [1957]).

Ramos, H. Reflexiones sobre el liberalismo (Caracas, Ediciones Nueva Visión, 2007).

Ramos, H. Reflexiones sobre el liberalismo. (Caracas, Editorial Alfa, 2019).



How to Cite

Lahoud C., D. . (2022). Communication Elements for the discussion about the book "Reflections on Liberalism" by Henry Ramos Allup. Lógoi. Revista De Filosofia, (41), 283–296.