Anthropology of Business Management: The Approach of Leonardo Polo and Carlos Llano


  • Guillermo I. Fariñas Contreras Universidad Monteávila - Caracas



philosophical anthropology, human action, business management, Leonardo Polo, Carlos Llano


Every manager must take into account that he works with people. Knowing how to direct them is a great responsibility, not only for the external results that can be achieved but also for the impact on the directed themselves. For this a manager has to know what they are like. Studying and getting to know the human being is as complex as it is exciting. This article summarizes Leonardo Polo's proposal on business management. It is a philosophical anthropology because it goes to the necessary foundations to understand the act and its subject. From there, the application of managerial techniques will be more appropriate.



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Author Biography

Guillermo I. Fariñas Contreras, Universidad Monteávila - Caracas

Universidad Monteávila.

Caracas. Venezuela.


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How to Cite

Fariñas Contreras, G. I. . (2022). Anthropology of Business Management: The Approach of Leonardo Polo and Carlos Llano. Lógoi. Revista De Filosofia, (41), 179–234.