The aim of this article is to analyze the episode “Hated in the nation” of Black Mirror and from a philosophical point of view, the phenomenon of “shitstorms”. For this purpose, the relationship between the loss of distance in social networks and moral judgment will be examined. With this, the paper seeks to show that “shitstorms” cannot be considered authentic ways to do justice and to warn about some of the dangers they can lead to.


  • Maybeth Garcés Brito Universidad Católica del Uruguay



Shitstorms, Moral Judgment, Distance, Social Networks, Black Mirror


This article aims to analyze, based on the episode “Hated in the nation” of Black Mirror, the phenomenon of digital lynchings from a philosophical point of view. To this end, the relationship between the loss of distance in social networks and moral judgment will be examined. With this, the aim is to show that digital lynchings cannot be considered authentic ways of doing justice and to warn about some of the dangers to which they can lead.


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Author Biography

Maybeth Garcés Brito, Universidad Católica del Uruguay

Universidad Católica del Uruguay.

Montevideo. Uruguay.


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Entre los estudios más recientes se encuentra, por ejemplo, el de Jorge Martínez-Lucena y Javier Barraycoa (eds.):

Han, Byung-Chul: La sociedad de la transparencia, (Barcelona, Herder, 2013), p. 12.

Lévinas, Emmanuel: "Filosofía, justicia y amor” en Entre nosotros, op. cit., p. 130.

Lévinas, Emmanuel: "¿Un Dios hombre?" en Entre nosotros, op. cit., p. 75. Cursivas añadidas.

Lévinas, Emmanuel: "Del Uno al Otro. Trascendencia y Tiempo" en Entre nosotros, op. cit., p. 175.

Lévinas, Emmanuel: "Determinación filosófica de la idea de cultura" en Entre nosotros, (Valencia, Pre-Textos, 2001), p. 216.

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Lévinas, Emmanuel: De la existencia al existente, (Madrid, Arena Libros, 2000), p. 78. Cursivas añadidas.

Lévinas, Emmanuel: De otro modo que ser o más allá de la esencia, 4ª edición, Salamanca, Sígueme, 2003, p. 239.

Lévinas, Emmanuel: La realidad y su sombra, (Madrid, Trotta, 2001), p. 48.

Nietzsche, Friedrich: Crepúsculo de los ídolos, (Madrid, Alianza, 2002), p. 58.

Nietzsche, Friedrich: La genealogía de la moral, (Madrid, Alianza, 2005), “Tratado tercero”, 15, p. 165.

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Ronson, Jon: “How One Stupid Tweet Blew Up Justine Sacco's Life”, New York Times, 12 de febrero de 2015. Disponible en: life.html



How to Cite

Garcés Brito, M. (2020). The aim of this article is to analyze the episode “Hated in the nation” of Black Mirror and from a philosophical point of view, the phenomenon of “shitstorms”. For this purpose, the relationship between the loss of distance in social networks and moral judgment will be examined. With this, the paper seeks to show that “shitstorms” cannot be considered authentic ways to do justice and to warn about some of the dangers they can lead to. Lógoi. Revista De Filosofia, (37), 41–51.

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