An introduction to the notion of experience in Kant


  • Gustavo La Fontaine UCAB



Experience, sensitivity, knowledge, judgments, metaphysics, Kant


The concept of experience is central to Kant's philosophy, the way in which he presents it as the product
of the operations of the understanding on the intuitions of sensitivity represents a break with other
authors of modern philosophy. The novelty of his proposal, added to the complexity of the work,
proposes a challenge for those who start in the author, that is why the objective of this work is to give
an introductory walk through the concept of experience in the Critique of Pure Reason and in the
Prolegomena emphasizing its nature as a possible product as given by a self that thinks.


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Carlos Gutierrez “La Noción de Experiencia En Kant,” Ideas y Valores 34 (1985): pp. 5–20.

Gabriel Amengual “El Concepto de Experiencia: De Kant a Hegel,” Tópicos. Revista de Filosofía de Santa Fe, 2018,

Hannah Ginsborg “Kant and the Problem of Experience,” Philosophical Topics, 2006,



Ibid, p. 5.

Ibid, p. 7.

Ibid, p. 10.

Ibid, p. 20

Ibid, p. 148

Immanuel Kant, Crítica de La Razón Pura, Tr. Pedro Ribas (Marid: Santillana, 1977).

Immanuel Kant, Crítica de La Razón Pura, Tr. Pedro Ribas (Marid: Santillana, 1977), p.49

Immanuel Kant, Crítica de La Razón Pura, Tr. Pedro Ribas (Marid: Santillana, 1977), p.135

Immanuel Kant, Crítica de La Razón Pura, Tr. Pedro Ribas (Marid: Santillana, 1977), p. 136.

Immanuel Kant, Crítica de La Razón Pura, Tr. Pedro Ribas (Marid: Santillana, 1977). p. 171

Immanuel Kant, Crítica de La Razón Pura, Tr. Pedro Ribas (Marid: Santillana, 1977), p. 172. 12 Ibid,. p. 133.

Immanuel Kant, Crítica de La Razón Pura, Tr. Pedro Ribas (Marid: Santillana, 1977), p. 92 24 Ibid., p. 195

Immanuel Kant, Prolegómenos a Toda Metafísica Que Haya de Poder Presentarse Como Ciencia (Agora de ideas, 1999), p. 135.

Kant, Prolegómenos a toda Metafísica que haya de poder presentarse como ciencia, p. 45

Kant, Prolegómenos a toda Metafísica que haya de poder presentarse como ciencia. p. 179.

María Jesús Vázquez Lobeiras, Inmanuel Kant: El Giro Copernicano Como Ontología de La Experiencia

María Jesús Vázquez Lobeiras , “Inmanuel Kant: El Giro Copernicano Como Ontología de La Experiencia,” ENDOXA, 2004,

Peter Byrne y Beck Lewis White. "Essays on Kant and Hume." (1978).



How to Cite

La Fontaine, G. (2020). An introduction to the notion of experience in Kant. Lógoi. Revista De Filosofia, (36), 57–64.