Metaphorical habitat Epistemological consequences of Lakoff and Johnson’s claims in Metaphors we live by


  • Deborah Rodríguez Universidad de Navarra.



Metaphor, epistemology, language, body, perception


In the history of philosophy, metaphor has been a linguistic element whose
relationship with human thinking or human actionwas non-existent. Lakoff and Johnson, in their
book Metaphor we live by, want to redefinethis concept like a central element in comprehension
process. They start in the linguistic relativism theory for demonstrate how perception and language
have a narrow relation and how the metaphor is a important element in thinking, actions a searching
of truth. Keywords:Metaphor, epistemology,language, body, perception.


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Author Biography

Deborah Rodríguez, Universidad de Navarra.

Universidad de Navarra. Navarra. España


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How to Cite

Rodríguez, D. (2020). Metaphorical habitat Epistemological consequences of Lakoff and Johnson’s claims in Metaphors we live by. Lógoi. Revista De Filosofia, (36), 7–26.