Philosophy and the Post/Decolonial Turn: Contributions and Dangers


  • Alfredo Ignacio Poggi University of North Georgia



Poststructuralism, Postcolonialism, Decoloniality, Populism, Literary and Cultural Studies


This article analyzes the main postulates of the post/decolonial turn arising from post-structuralism and Latin American intellectuals ́ revision of this field of study. Then, it highlights the deficiencies of decolonial theories, which can justify controversial political proposals and reduce the complexity of social reality. Using the theory of Ernesto Laclau, this article argues that decoloniality can become a populist practice, which ignores the linguistic and pragmatic turn of the humanities, within a totalizing antagonism that seeks to eliminate all Western European contributions.


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Author Biography

Alfredo Ignacio Poggi, University of North Georgia

University of North Georgia.




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How to Cite

Poggi, A. I. (2019). Philosophy and the Post/Decolonial Turn: Contributions and Dangers. Lógoi. Revista De Filosofia, (35), 51–61.