The principle of the Socratic Kalokagathía and its extensions today


  • Marta De La Vega Visbal Escuela de Filosofía, UCAB Postgrado en Ciencia Política, Universidad Simón Bolívar



Kalokagathía, arete, Paideia, eros, aesthetic and truth, civic virtues, actuality, ethics and politics


First, we identify the Socratic kalokagathia, as it is presented in Greek antiquity; Secondly, we analyze the way it is solved in relation to the educational process or Paidéia and, with Socrates, the transformations occurring to it, linked to the concept of citizenship. Finally, we establish its implication and relationship with the notions of eros, beauty and truth; and its effective scope in connection, or dissociation, to the field of ethics and politics, from modernity to the present, from the civic virtues.


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How to Cite

De La Vega Visbal, M. (2017). The principle of the Socratic Kalokagathía and its extensions today. Lógoi. Revista De Filosofia, (29-30), 142–160.