About the Journal

About the magazine

The journal Guayana Moderna is a scientific, academic, multidisciplinary and refereed publication, promoted and edited by the Centro de Estudios Regionales Joseph Gumilla of the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello.

It publishes unknown and original research articles, theoretical or experimental, that contribute to the improvement of knowledge in areas related to sustainable and local development, approached from various disciplines such as education, law, communication, environmental sciences, humanities, among others. Economic, social and environmental issues have a predominant place in the journal.

The journal Guayana Moderna was created in 2012, is published every six months and is indexed in Latindex and Revencyt.

The journal accepts original and unpublished articles written in Spanish, and all contributions, which must follow the instructions for authors, will be submitted to the process of anonymous external peer review. Reviews do not go through the double-blind refereeing process. They are reviewed and approved by the editorial team.

Guayana Moderna is an Open Access journal, with no cost to authors, neither at the time of manuscript submission nor in the publication process.

Guayana Moderna journal has a DOI, an international code that allows secure and permanent access to its contents.


Starting with issue 13, the magazine will be published every six months.

Numbers 13 and 14 of the Guayana Moderna magazine, corresponding to the year 2024, have already been published.

Current Issue

Vol. 14 No. 15 (2025): Modern Guayana
                    View Vol. 14 No. 15 (2025): Modern Guayana
Published: 2024-12-17
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