Descartes and the passions


  • Yelitza Rivero Universidad Simón Bolívar



mind-body, passions, teaching of nature, mechanism, will


This article presents some considerations on the mind-body relationship in Cartesian philosophy that allow us to glimpse what Descartes understands by human nature. For this, I show how the teaching of nature and the passions show us that the affections produced in the soul by the material world are undeniable and fundamental, because the information they provide helps us to preserve ourselves as individuals. Finally, I consider that the passions are closely related to the will, in such a way that some of our actions and decisions depend on this interaction.


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Author Biography

Yelitza Rivero, Universidad Simón Bolívar

Departamento de Humanidades

Universidad Simón Bolívar.

Sartenejas. Caracas. Venezuela.



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How to Cite

Rivero, Y. (2024). Descartes and the passions. Lógoi. Revista De Filosofia, (45), 53–75.