Parallel lives: arguments and inferences


  • José Luis Da Silva Pinto Universidad Autónoma de Madrid



arguments, inference, implication, persuasion, reasons


When discussing argumentation from a logical point of view, such terms as "argument," "inference," "reasoning," "reasons," and even "implication" are often confused. Their definitions are usually approximate, and that often leads to woolly discussions. My first purpose is to clarify these concepts and their mutual relationships. My second purpose is to determine the relevance of the notion of logical inference for the analysis of arguments. I will argue that if the logical question par excellence is "should the conclusion be accepted for the reasons given to support it?", its relevance is scarce.


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Author Biography

José Luis Da Silva Pinto, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Madrid. España



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How to Cite

Da Silva Pinto, H. . (2024). Parallel lives: arguments and inferences. Lógoi. Revista De Filosofia, (038), 89–108.