From critical thinking to (critical) argumentation: Skirting the irrationality


  • José Luis Da Silva Pinto Universitat de València / España



Irrationality, Critical Thinking, arg, Rhetoric


We are motivated by the idea that if we aspire to reduce the personal and social damages that may arise from the different forms of irrationality, we must reinforce critical thinking. Then, after some comments on some conceptions of critical thinking, we try to show the way of reinforcing critical thinking with the aim of skirting irrationality. This view differs from the traditional treatments of the critical movement by its broader dialectical and rhetorical approach to the nature of argumentation as an interactive, living and intersubjective process that is in a better position to resist the persistence of irrationality.


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Author Biography

José Luis Da Silva Pinto, Universitat de València / España

Universitat de València / España


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How to Cite

Da Silva Pinto, J. . (2024). From critical thinking to (critical) argumentation: Skirting the irrationality. Lógoi. Revista De Filosofia, (038), 15–42.