Epistemic fictions, intuition and innocuous knowledge


  • Reynner Franco Universidad de Salamanca




perception, direct realism, intuition, disyunctivism, myth of the given


A relevant presupposition of direct realism is that perceptions are linked to the acquisition of reliable knowledge about the world without intermediaries. To hold that the force of reliability comes from a kind of sense activity raises difficulties for both realism and anti-realism. J. McDowell turns to intuition as an enabling unity that offers a key to a model of non-discursive rationality with the endorsement of perceptual experience. The intelligibility of perceptual realism seems to require a better distinction between: facultative rationality (of intuition) and discursive rationality, veridical/illusory perceptions and true/false beliefs. The lack of these distinctions may produce pernicious epistemic fictions because of the high level of dissociation from the perceptual experience of the environment they entail, by incurring in the myth of the given.



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Author Biography

Reynner Franco, Universidad de Salamanca

Doctor en Filosofía por la Universidad de Salamanca,

Profesor de Teoría del conocimiento y metafísica

Departamento de Filosofía, Lógica y Estética

Facultad de Filosofía, Universidad de Salamanca.

Salamanca. España.

ORCID: 0000-0002-7278-7741



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How to Cite

Franco, R. (2023). Epistemic fictions, intuition and innocuous knowledge. Lógoi. Revista De Filosofia, (43), 119–140. https://doi.org/10.62876/lr.vi43.6094