Dreaming on demand. Fiction and the Future of Imagination


  • Domingo Hernández Sánchez Universidad de Salamanca




testimonial image, testimonial language, memory, videographic content


One of the characteristics of our times is the strange dialectic that defines fictional and imaginative processes. If, on the one hand, we find an inescapable need to imagine, on the other hand, it is increasingly difficult to find alternative possibilities. Such a situation contrasts with the boom of constant imaginative and fictional novelties in certain cultural spheres, as if the aesthetic imagination were occupying the space freed by the political imagination. This article tries to analyze such dialectics and defends the need to distance the imagination from the Idea of the Future to be able to imagine the present.


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Author Biography

Domingo Hernández Sánchez, Universidad de Salamanca

Doctor en Filosofía por la Universidad de Salamanca,

Catedrático de Estética y Teoría de las Artes

Departamento de Filosofía, Lógica y Estética

Facultad de Filosofía, Universidad de Salamanca.

Salamanca. España.


ORCID: 0000-0002-6893-6097



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How to Cite

Hernández Sánchez, D. (2023). Dreaming on demand. Fiction and the Future of Imagination. Lógoi. Revista De Filosofia, (43), 59–76. https://doi.org/10.62876/lr.vi43.6090