The chemical bond and the philosophy of Xavier Zubiri


  • Gabriela García Zerecero Universidad Panamericana



chemical bond, reality, dynamism, Zubiri


The chemical bond is a crucial element to understand how matter behaves and plays an important role in explanations, predictions and chemical interventions; however, it is a difficult concept to define precisely. Considering the development of quantum mechanics, the task of determining its nature seems to demand a philosophical perspective that is compatible with the new modes of reality revealed by modern science. In this paper we want to show that Xavier Zubiri's philosophy is useful for this purpose. In the first part, there is a brief approach to the chemical bond concept evolution from a scientific perspective. In the second part some Zubiri's philosophy concepts are presented, and in the third part we try to point out its application to the study of the chemical bond nature.


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Author Biography

Gabriela García Zerecero, Universidad Panamericana

Departamento de Humanidades.

Universidad Panamericana

Ciudad de México. México.


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How to Cite

García Zerecero, G. (2022). The chemical bond and the philosophy of Xavier Zubiri. Lógoi. Revista De Filosofia, (42), 175–207.