First person, modality and persuasion


  • Raúl E Rodríguez Monsiváis Universidad de Guadalajara. / México



Linguistic operation, first person, modality, persuasion


The main aim of this article is to show, from specific cases of the language in use, the
way in which the first-person linguistic operation and some modalities interact
resulting in persuasive effects. The central thesis that we want to defend and what
everything exposed throughout this presentation is intended to support is the
following: Most of our argumentation aims to persuade the interlocutors in the sense of
making them accept a thesis, of producing or making them modify a belief, of
influencing the decision-making process and linguistic systems (in this case, Spanish )
provide techniques that can be used in linguistic constructions for persuasive purposes,
in this case, I will analyze the contribution that the first-person linguistic operation
makes to that purpose in cooperation with the modality.


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Author Biography

Raúl E Rodríguez Monsiváis, Universidad de Guadalajara. / México

Universidad de Guadalajara. 

Guadalajara. México.


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Monsiváis, R. E. (2020). First person, modality and persuasion. Lógoi. Revista De Filosofia, (038), 126–165.