Wittgenstein and the conceptual pluralism


  • Efraín Lazos Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México




pluralism, holism, relativism, Wittgenstein



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Ludwig Wittgenstein: Investigaciones filosóficas, Parte II, Pasaje xii. (En lo sucesivo citaremos los pasajes de esta obra del siguiente modo: IF, II, xii.)

Peter Strawson: The Bounds of Sense: An Essay on Kant´s Critique of Pure Reason, London, Methuen, 1966.

Philip Kitcher: Kant´s Transcendental Psychology, New York, Oxford University Press, (1990), 2011.

Rudolf Carnap: “Empiricism, Semantics, and Ontology”, en Meaning and Necessity: A Study in Semantics and Modal Logic (edición ampliada), Chicago, Chicago University Press,1956.

Willar V. O. Quine: “Two Dogmas of Empiricism” (1953), en From a Logical Point of View, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, p. 42, 1980. 6 Willar V. O. Quine: Ontological Relativity and Other Essays, New York, Columbia University Press, p. 40,1969.

Christopher Peacocke: A Study of Concepts, Cambridge, MIT, p. 6, 1992.

Frege, 1952: 159.

Michael P. Lynch: Truth in Context: An Essay on Pluralism and Objectivity, Cambridge, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, p. 57, 1998.

OFM , §412, vii 45

OFM , §433, vii 71

IF, § 71b.

IF, § 80

No es, por ello, casual que con el ascenso del contextualismo se haya incrementado el interés por la vaguedad.

Según Hacker y Backer, en Gordon P. Backer y Peter Hacker: Wittgenstein Understanding and Meaning, Vol 1. Oxford: Blackwell, 1980.

En IF, § 2

Stanley Cavel: Must we mean what we say? A book of Essays, New York, Scribner, p. 52, 1969.

Donald Davidson: Inquiries into Truth and Interpretation, Oxford, Oxford University Press, p. 184, 1984. (La traducción es mía.)

Ibíd., p. 185

Peter Hacker: Wittgenstein´s Place in Twentieth Century Analytic Philosophy, Oxford, Blackwell, 1996.

Davidson, Donald, Op. Cit., p. 197



How to Cite

Lazos, E. (2017). Wittgenstein and the conceptual pluralism. Lógoi. Revista De Filosofia, (26), 7–28. https://doi.org/10.62876/lr.v0i26.3223