The Spanish Colonization and three theological perspectives about culture and Christian faith


  • Alfredo Ignacio Poggi MTS- Boston College



Models of evangelization, colony, Iberoamerican religiousness


The theologian Gustavo Gutiérrez conceives three models of evangelization in the first political-religious debates of colonization. Here we will show that they respond to three different perspectives on Christian culture and faith. These perspectives, "Radical", "Intermediate" and "Lascasian", drew on the Gospel, Aristotle's anthropology, Thomas Aquinas' theology, Canon Law and certain medieval political concepts to influence the decisions of the authorities of the moment. Thus the equation 'human nature = European culture', the soteriological burden of the supposed indigenous cultural inferiority, and the disconnection between morality and rituality in the conception of the Christian faith, formed the nucleus of the debate and shaped Ibero-American religiosity.


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How to Cite

Poggi, A. I. (2017). The Spanish Colonization and three theological perspectives about culture and Christian faith. Lógoi. Revista De Filosofia, (25), 7–30.