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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The request has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted to another journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The file sent is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format.
  • Web addresses have been added for references where possible.
  • The text is single-spaced; the font size is 12 point; italics are used instead of underlining (except for URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures and tables are in the right place within the text and not at the end of the text.
  • The text complies with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the Author Guidelines, which can be found in About the journal.
  • If you are submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, you need to ensure that the instructions in Ensuring a blind review have been followed.

Author Guidelines

Articles must follow this format.

Instructions for authors


Lógoi is a semiannual magazine whose object is publishing articles that constitute a contribution to the philosophical debate. Lógoi is arbitrated according to the instructions established by FONACIT, REVENCYT and LATINDEX.


All articles presented for consideration will have to fulfill the following guidelines:


1) The authors will send their works by duplicate to any of the following e-mail addresses: or One of the copies should include neither the name of the author nor the name of the institution to which the author belongs. In the other copy, the author will include in a separate sheet a curricular synopsis: name, address, telephone number, email, institution, ID ORCID and titles or degrees (University and date).

2) All articles will include the title in Spanish and in English, two abstracts, one in Spanish and the other in English. Each one should not exceed 100 words. Each abstract should also include 4 or 5 keywords in Spanish and in English. 

3) All articles sent for evaluation must be unpublished, except when there is an express agreement with the Editorial Council. Likewise, the author commits himself to authorize the publication of his article exclusively to Lógoi, Philosophy Magazine. Consequently, for a later publication or reproduction of the article, the author will have to ask for permission to Lógoi. The new publication should mention clearly the original source.

4) Each article will be evaluated by two experts in the area under the well-known “double blind” modality. The experts will approve, suspend (until the pertinent corrections are made) or reject the work. In any case, the decision will take into account the following criteria: a) clear exposition and development of objectives and subject; b) correct grammar and spelling; c) coherence and cohesiveness of ideas exposed; d) relevance of the problem; and, e) bibliographical and periodical sources in relation to the subject. In case of a discrepant verdict, a new judge will perform a third evaluation. After the arrival of the copies, the Publishing Council will give a verdict in 90 days. If the work is approved with corrections, the author will have thirty days to make those corrections. Finally, once the Publication Department has sent the sample format of the Magazine to the Writing Council, the latter will give each author its article for further revisions (this must be done in no more than 7 days).

5) Collaborations will have to fulfill the following presentation criteria:

  1. a) Word limit: Articles: 15.500; Communications and Discussions: 7.500; Reviews: 3.000
  2. b) The Chicago 17th Edition Manual of Style will be used, giving preference to the traditional system of bibliographic citations with footnotes. However, the abbreviated will also be accepted, where the bibliographic references incorporated in parentheses within the text will refer to a final bibliographic cast.

The notes will be made according to a general and uniform criterion that will include surnames, initial of the name (see form of quotation in next section), title, name of the publisher, place of edition, year of appearance; distinguishing between book, magazine article and included in book article.

At the end of each article or scientific document there shall be a list of the bibliographical references of the works cited, both in the text and in the footnotes.

In the final list of bibliographic references, the surnames and first names of the authors (when they are cited), must be listed with a lowercase typeface, with the only capitalization required by the correct spelling. For example, it will appear "Hernáez, Jesús", or "Hérnaez, J.", instead of "HÉRNAEZ; JESUS" or "HÉRNAEZ, J." Capital letters or small caps should not be used.

Also, in the final list, to avoid the repetition of authors' names, hyphens "---", "_", asterisks "*" or expressions such as "ibid.", "op. cit.," or the like will not be used, and it is necessary to always include the names of all authors in each reference, according to the style of each journal. When necessary, both in the text and in the bibliographic list the publications of the same author or authors coincident in the same year will be differentiated by adding to it the sequence a, b, c, etc., in the usual way.

6) If their publication is accepted, the authors will receive notification of publication and their visibility on the page of the Journal whose link is

7) Articles complying with our instructions will be asked to sign two agreement forms: one stating that the article is original and a second one authorizing open access according to: Budapest Open Access Initiatives (BOAI-2001).

8) For any additional information please contact the following e-mail addresses: or 


In this section called presentation we have the credits page of the Magazine, the content, the presentation of the guest editor and the Words of the Director of the Magazine


texto en prosa que explora, analiza, interpreta o evalúa un tema. El tema puede tener un enfoque histórico, biográfico o conceptual.


In general, the articles have to follow the AIMRAD Model.

It should be noted that the results are identified in the section of conclusions or final considerations.


In this section are usually the presentations and communications at the congresses. Reports on the progress of a philosophical investigation are also usually included.


This section presents the most outstanding works of undergraduate and graduate Philosophy students.

Its format is similar to that of the scientific article but shorter.


in this section an academic book review is an expert opinion on the content published in an academic journal after the work has been submitted and published

Privacy Statement

The names and e-mail addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes stated by this journal and will not be made available to any other purpose or person.