Results of using the energy aliquot algorithm in a specific case: the Guayana Region




Cost of energy, Guayana, Energy subsidy


The application of an energy aliquot model was presented, which allows verifying the conditions, taking into account the operational aspects and the possible impact of the climate change, developing an approach applicable to a specific context, the Guayana region, to guarantee that a service provider to be profitable and economically efficient, taking into account the social costs of carbon. The model is verified from the macro levels to the specific case and considers different operational aspects based on the discrete time model to estimate the optimal routes based on the interrelation of costs. Starting from the premise that a linear and obsolete model of more than twenty years is currently applied, in such a way that it needs to be changed, for which all the predominant variables must be included, which allow obtaining optimal results for both the provider of the service and for users, which can cover the different types of services, based on simulations of the National Electric System [SEN], in the most realistic operating conditions possible, since in order to recover it, large investments are required; therefore, it will be necessary to attract external capital, and the profitability of any project must be guaranteed.


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How to Cite

Perez, E. ., & Velásquez, S. (2023). Results of using the energy aliquot algorithm in a specific case: the Guayana Region. Guayana Moderna, 12(12), 82–104.

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