About the Journal

About the Journal

The magazine Guayana Moderna is a biannual publication of the Centro de Estudios Regionales Joseph Gumilla. (CER) of the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, whose purpose is to disseminate research in progress or conducted at the university and other educational institutions or organizations, which make significant contributions to knowledge in areas related to the interest of the center.

The research products must be framed within the areas of interest of the CER, namely: Sustainable Development, Panamazonia, Human Welfare, Water Quality, Education, Democracy and Citizenship, Native Peoples, Extractivism and Neo-extractivism, Labor Rights and Conflict, Local, National and International Development, gender violence, civil rights.

Research products such as scientific and technical research articles, reflection articles, review articles, academic articles, research reports, essays and book reviews in Spanish, which have not been published and are not under evaluation in other media, will be considered for publication.

Contributions will be accepted for evaluation after verifying compliance with the rules established by the journal.

The articles will be submitted to the arbitration of two specialists, in the double-blind modality, who will have 30 days to give their verdict.

In the event of a discrepancy in the evaluation results, the manuscript will be submitted to a third opinion. This last evaluation will be final.

Once its publication is approved, communication will be sent to the author or authors of the acceptance letter for publication in the next issue of the journal.

Three types of judgments are considered: a) Positive for publication without recommendations; b) Positive conditioned to corrections; c) Not recommended for publication.

Once submitted to evaluation, if the result is positive subject to corrections, the author will have 15 continuous days to respond to the referees' recommendations and send the new version of their article.

If publication is denied, a summary of the evaluation results will be sent to the author or authors, stating the reasons for non-qualification for publication.

Legal Issue:

The journal Guayana Moderna is a scientific journal edited by the Centro de Estudios Regionales (CER) of the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB), Guayana extension, Venezuela. Therefore, the journal is under the jurisdiction of the Venezuelan legislation and those regulations that allow its indexing.


The journal is registered under ISSN Print 2343-5658 and under ISSN Electronic 2790-5039, Legal Deposits: pp20120202DC4092 and DC2021001122, respectively.


Guayana Moderna accepts articles every month of the year. Submissions can only be made through the journal's OJS platform, and for this purpose the author must register and follow the instructions indicated in “Instructions for authors”.

The article will go through two phases of review: one performed by the editorial team, where compliance with the instructions to the authors is verified, and the other by external reviewers and under the double-blind system. The deadline for the start of the review by the designated evaluators will be within 15 days after receipt of the paper. This peer review process may last between 30 to 60 days.

Contributions to be published must be submitted in accordance with the general guidelines established by the journal, respecting the editorial standards according to the type of product submitted. The publication of the journal is scheduled for the first week of the semester to which the issue corresponds. All news about the dates of reception, adjustments and final deliveries will be announced on this website in the Notices section.

History of the journal:

The scientific, academic and indexed journal Guayana Moderna, published by the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB) and edited by the Centro de Estudios Regionales Joseph Gumilla (CER), a center attached to the Vice Rectorate of Extension in Guayana and the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences of the UCAB, released its first issue in 2012.

At that time, the CER was called Centro de Investigaciones para la Educación, la Productividad y la Vida (Ciepv), and the titanic effort made by this center to create Guayana Moderna was aimed at promoting research at the university, consolidating the dialogue among researchers from different universities in the country and serving as a bridge between the voices of academia, the communities and governmental entities.

Following these initial actions as a rule, since 2016 an effort has been made to increase the visibility and quality of the journal with inclusion in indexes such as Revencyt and Latindex, in addition to the expansion of the editorial and advisory committee.

Positions in the management team:


  • From number 1 (2012) to number 4 (2015): Marco Tulio Méndez
  • From number 5 (2016) - present: Aiskel Sabrina Andrade Mantilla


  • Coordinator of issue 1 (2012) and issue 4 (2015): Verónica Ramos Lemoine
  • Coordinator of issue 2 (2013): Florencia Cordero
  • Coordinator of issue 3 (2014): Luis Montenegro
  • Coordinators of issue 5 (2016) and issue 6 (2017): Gilberto Resplandor and Giulianna de la Torre
  • Coordinators for issue 7 (2018) to issue 11 (2022): Gilberto Resplandor and Jesús Medina

Coordinators for issue 12 (2023): Diego Rojas Ajmad, Gilberto Resplandor and Jesús Medina