Artificial Intelligence and the Principle of Simplicity in Labor Procedural Law




Artificial, Intelligence, Labor, Law


The Principle of Simplicity is based on a search for simplification in the labor process and legislation with the aim of achieving maximum efficiency in the process and effectiveness of the Right of Access to Justice. Artificial Intelligence can contribute positively to the Principle of Simplicity, mainly by assisting court officials in routine tasks and in the search for judicial precedents. The European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice proposes several recommended uses for Artificial Intelligence, such as search engines for jurisprudence with machine learning techniques and chatbots to facilitate access to legal knowledge. However, there is an ethical problem when using Artificial Intelligence in decision-making, as it can reproduce the biases of its creators. In addition, the implementation of Artificial Intelligence could exclude a large part of the population that does not have access to quality internet. In Brazil, an Artificial Intelligence software was launched to answer labor inquiries from any user in Brazil who wants to do so through an online chat, but this act raised many questions about whether labor rights and possible biases in the provided answers are being adequately considered by the AI. The implementation of Artificial Intelligence in the legal field can be of great help to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the judicial system, considering at all times the possible ethical problems that may arise.

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How to Cite

Zamora, I. ., & García, N. (2023). Artificial Intelligence and the Principle of Simplicity in Labor Procedural Law. Guayana Moderna, 12(12), 419–430.