Protected areas: traditional spaces of indigenous peoples




Indigenous peoples, protected areas, nature conservation, biological diversity


Protected areas were established with an environmental vision, devoid of people and for the conservation of nature, however, many of these areas are built on indigenous territories, in many cases depriving these original populations of the management and control of their spaces. In this documentary research, considering the analysis of the doctrine, it is established that the indigenous peoples as original owners of these spaces, the conformation of a protected area should be consensual and its administration should be configured under the co-management between these peoples and the States, therefore the protected areas are conformed considering the authority and control of the indigenous peoples in these areas, coexisting any of the categories under the different modes of governance.

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How to Cite

Pérez Alvarez, C. (2023). Protected areas: traditional spaces of indigenous peoples. Guayana Moderna, 12(12), 313–325.