Competitiveness Of Venezuelan Companies In The Face of Climate Change
climate change, reactions, business, development, economic, social, european, plastics, tax relief, , decarbonized, Venezuela.Abstract
Using the basic economic functions of law, the new economic and social dynamics that climate change has brought into people's lifestyles are analyzed, this being the basis for understanding the different reactions that the business sector has to these new realities and how its adaptation is important for the economic development of nations; this being of special relevance to propose a new model of sustainable development in Venezuela. Through the deductive method, the Green Pact of the European Union is taken as a case study, in particular its legislative incorporation within the Kingdom of Spain, with special attention to its tax regulations regarding the use of plastics in industry or trade. The above made it possible to theorize a system of optional tax relief for the Venezuelan business sector, where, thanks to the replacement of the use of non-recycled plastics with those already recycled, companies receive relief on their taxes. This proposal aims to stimulate a transition in the business sector to a decarbonized and competitive economy, avoiding coercive intervention by the State.
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