Research Production In The Final Works Of Post-Pandemic Concentration (Periods 202225 And 202315)
Social Communication, Production, TFC, PostpandemiaAbstract
This article analyzes the products generated as Final Projects of the Concentrations (TFC) of: Audiovisual Production, Corporate Communications, Integrated Marketing and Journalism, the analysis touches on the number of TFC presented in each concentration per academic period, grades obtained, topics addressed and their relationship with the lines of research. The academic periods after the pandemic were 202225 with 90 students in the TFC course and 29 papers, and 202315 with 36 students and 19 papers. The study was descriptive, in that it was limited to commenting on the most significant aspects that occurred in the TFC course. The most studied concentration was Corporate Communications and therefore the one with the highest number of products, with 39.58% of the total generated, followed by Audiovisual Production (29.16%), Integrated Marketing (18.75%) and Journalism with 12.50% of the works. 91.66% of the total number of CCTs go to the Central Library for having grades equal to or higher than 18 points. The most used modality in the Audiovisual works was the documentary, the Corporate modality was very varied, in Marketing the works were concentrated in the modality of strategies to increase sales and Journalism in journalistic research.
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Hernández, S., Roberto, Fernández C., Carlos y Baptista L., Pilar.(2014). Metodología de la Investigación. Edit. Mc Graw Hill. 6ta edición.
Peña, Vanesa (Nov., 26, 2019) Líneas de Investigación del trabajo Final de Concentración, recuperado en: