Sustentable Ethical approach to "Madre Matilde" School, Caracas Venezuela 2022. Application of the Earth Charter ethical assessment tool CT.




Sustainable development, ethics, education, environmental consciousness


The Sustainable Development Goals determine education goals. The prevailing need for change in the vision, action and projection of performance results in terms of sustainability, suggests a curricular changes in objectives, aligned with each micro reality. For this purpose, we consider a diagnosis fundamental. We used Earth Charter (version 5) as an ethical evaluation tool, to conduct an evaluation of the state of SDGs through the vision of the main teacher of the chair of sustainability of the school "Madre Matilde" Caracas Venezuela. The results show a poor development in the implementation of the SDGs; despite their philosophies, their intention and actions are far from expected results consistent with the SDGs and even with scholar mission and vision. We emphasize that the results of this analysis are very preliminary and completely subjective, however, there is interest in being a pioneer of execution, coherence, and transformation. The conclusions of this research are the foundations to recreate the curricular goals, class development, and keep the expectations of vision change inside of their communities.


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How to Cite

Hernández Parra, J. ., & Moreno Rivero, A. de J. . (2023). Sustentable Ethical approach to "Madre Matilde" School, Caracas Venezuela 2022. Application of the Earth Charter ethical assessment tool CT. Guayana Moderna, 12(12), 62–81.