Mental Health of Students at UCAB Guayana



mental health, university students, general health questionnaire


Mental health constitutes one of the most relevant aspects of the general health of the population and is declared as a fundamental human right. The increase in the number of reports of mental disorders, particularly in young people, has focused attention on knowing how present it is in this group and how to address them to ensure greater well-being and adaptation. That is why the Counseling and Human Development Center (CADH), of the UCAB Guayana set itself the objective of determining the state of the mental health of its students. For this, a descriptive and field investigation was carried out through the application of the General Health Questionnaire in its GHQ-28 version, being answered by 165 students from different careers, which allowed to assess the probability of them suffering some alteration of their mental health. The results found indicate that 63,64% of the students can be considered probable cases of suffering from some disorder. Based on the subscales or dimensions, the results show that, in the order of impact on mental health, anxiety is first, psychosomatic symptoms and depression are second, and lastly social dysfunction. These results will make it possible to guide support strategies for students.


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How to Cite

Balbi Ochoa, A. M. . (2023). Mental Health of Students at UCAB Guayana. Guayana Moderna, 12(12), 20–38. Retrieved from