Indigenous Peoples: human dignity and fundamental rights.


  • Carla Pérez Álvarez Universidad Católica Andrés Bello



Human rights emanate from the natural condition of the human person, that is, they are inherent to it, directly linked to their dignity, for which the States establish protection mechanisms for these rights, however, for indigenous peoples it is required, based on their cultural identity, recognize that they have their own conception of human dignity. In this documentary research, considering the analysis of the doctrine and legal instruments, it is established that indigenous peoples develop their personality through their culture, therefore a protection system is necessary that goes beyond what is established in the principle of universality of human rights and that of non-discrimination, that due to their cultural specificity their rights correspond to their worldview, so that in order to exercise them they require their intercultural appropriation.

Keywords: Indigenous peoples, human dignity, human rights, cultural identity.


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How to Cite

Pérez Álvarez, C. (2022). Indigenous Peoples: human dignity and fundamental rights. Guayana Moderna, 11(11), 263–275.