Retention of Human Talent. Practices in pandemic situation in Ciudad Guayana Companies


  • Marbelis Cedeño Universidad Católica Andrés Bello



As a result of the declaration of global alert for the Covid-19 pandemic, there have been many issues that have underpinned research interest, in the Social Sciences one of them is the Retention of Human Talent, since, as well as in other sectors of society, managers have had to apply changes in the way they manage their processes. In consideration of this, the research aimed to describe the retention practices of human talent in companies in the region. It was developed within the project of innovative research formulas. The methodology used was Undergraduate Pulse in five companies, under the qualitative approach with a field study, in which interviews with key informants were applied, oriented with a script designed by the students and reviewed by the teacher of the subject. The results obtained indicate that 100% of the participating companies implemented new ways to compensate their staff, among the most used retention benefits are special bonuses for performance (100%) and emotional salary (non-salary), salary increases , payment in foreign currency, training, the granting of food baskets and extraordinary bonuses occupied an important level with 60% application.
Keywords: Retention of Human Talent, Undergraduate Pulse, Emotional Salary, Work Compensation.


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How to Cite

Cedeño, M. . (2022). Retention of Human Talent. Practices in pandemic situation in Ciudad Guayana Companies. Guayana Moderna, 11(11), 89–97.