The approach to interdisciplinarity from my professional practice has two routes. The first, when the focus of transversality and globalization linked to the process as a teacher appears on the curriculum scenario; and the second, from the practical fact of a team investigation in the Las Galderas community, in the River Corridor of the Orinoco. The purpose of this article is to present a pedagogical reflection that interrelates the two enunciated routes, outlining an approach to the interdisciplinary approach. The methodology used is critical reflection on the author's professional practice and the perception of four co-researchers in the Corredor del Orinoco project. The results are aimed at identifying the theoretical gaps that underlie the approach as a "new" way of approaching complex issues in professional practice, and the opportunities that the same experience reveals, to understand that, in order to approach interdisciplinarity we must have a mastery of the discipline that identifies us and an attitude of understanding and acceptance of teamwork and dialogue, in order to build from the interstices of the disciplinary frontiers a space of interrelation and integration of methods and techniques to respond to the scenarios under observation, from the complexity required by each one of them.
Key words: Interdisciplinarity, pedagogical practice, disciplinary borders, Riverside Corridor of the Orinoco.