The Wikipedia’s Manual of Style in Spanish and English: similarities, differences and evolution


  • Ricardo Tavares Lourenço Universidad Católica Andrés Bello




Any collaborative publication requires rules in accordance with stylistic and linguistic criteria in the presentation of its contents. In the case of Wikipedia, Internet users have the manual of style, which also includes tools for the correct use of multimedia resources, hypertext, referencing and categorization that enrich the text. However, there is no single version of the manual, but several depending on the language that corresponds to the respective Wikipedia translation. For that matter, the similarities and differences between the English and Spanish versions were analyzed, as well as statistical data on their evolution over 20 years. It was found that the English version is much more extensive and dense than the Spanish version and that, due to the obvious language differences, the sections vary. Even so, both versions coincide that Wikipedians must write in the standard variant of the corresponding language, since the encyclopedia is aimed at a global audience.

Key words: Wikipedia, manual of style, Spanish, English, collaborative writing, On-line editing.


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Author Biography

Ricardo Tavares Lourenço, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello

Licenciado en Letras por la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB), magíster en Lingüística Aplicada por la Universidad Simón Bolívar y
doctorando en Educación en la UCAB. Profesor en las instituciones educativas Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, Universidad
Metropolitana y Colegio San Agustín-El Paraíso. Corrector de textos en la editorial abediciones, perteneciente a la Dirección de
Publicaciones de la UCAB. Investigador asociado del Centro de Investigación de la Comunicación (CIC-UCAB). Es autor de los libros La
redacción en internet: tendencias y normas de la escritura en la sociedad de la información y del conocimiento (Caracas, abediciones,
2018) y de El estilo de abediciones. Cómo ponemos nuestros libros en tus manos (Coord.) (Caracas, abediciones, 2019)



How to Cite

Tavares Lourenço, R. . (2021). The Wikipedia’s Manual of Style in Spanish and English: similarities, differences and evolution: Array. Temas De Comunicación, (43), 69–83.



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