No. 62 (2023)

                    View No. 62 (2023)

The Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas has the participation of prestigious researchers who have made it possible to put online the 62nd issue of the Revista MONTALBÁN. This Miscélaneo recreates relevant topics such as: the influence of the Cadiz Constitution on Modern constitutionalism and its parallelism with the Venezuelan Constituent process, by Doctor Allan Brewer Carías; a study on Abbé Vicente Requeno, an expelled Jesuit of Aragonese origin who restored the Greco-Latin arts and was a member of the Spanish Universalist School, by Doctor Antonio Astorgano Abajo; some reflections on the narrative dimension of Alasdair Mancintyre, by Dr. Emilio Urbina Mendoza; a study on the Archdeacon Antonio José Sucre and the polemic generated in his time against the Logias and the Grafias, by Dr. Daniel Lahoud; a study on the ''presence of the French work The Year 2440, in the weekly Correo del Orinoco, by Dr. Fernando Falcón; an analysis on Pope Francis and his communicative profile, by the R. P. Jes''us María Aguirre, by Dr. Fernando Falcón; an analysis on Pope Francis and his communicative profile, by the R. P. Jes''us María Aguirre, by Dr. Antonio Astorgano Abajo. Jes''us María Aguirre, s.j.; and a reflective essay on the theme of reconciliation, by R.P. Francisco Javier Duplá, s.j..

Finally, there are four recently published book reviews, presented by Lic. Iván Brito and Doctors Asdrúbal Aguiar and Tomás Straka.


Published: 2023-11-14
