Notions of love and heartbreak in the corridos tumbados


  • Erly J. Ruiz Universidad Central de Venezuela



Love, corridos, heartbreak, music


Although the most typical thing in relation to love is to affirm that its definition is not possible, musical experience proves the
opposite. Understood as a means, it becomes a catalyst for clarifying the matter, constantly updating its pronouncement to the tenor of the moment. The following article explores the notions of love and heartbreak in the corridos tumbados through an analytical methodology and from a philosophical-sociological perspective. It begins with an introduction to love as a
symbolically generalized means of communication in a liquid world, emphasizing its typical artistic expression. Next, the
specificities of music are discussed through two closely related differentiations a) the sonorous and the lyrical b) the serious and the popular. Likewise, the possibilities for a sociology of it and its social functions are addressed according to Simon Frith.
Finally, the lyrics of six songs by two of the most popular exponents of the genre, Natanael Cano and Hassan Kabande (Peso
Pluma) are analyzed. It is concluded that it is possible to locate three notions of love in harmony with the Mexican national
tradition as well as with a typical feeling of Latin American song. a) Heartbreak or spite as a direct way to give shape and body
to the loving experience lived b) The understanding of love as possession c) Every loving experience involves a risk.


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Author Biography

Erly J. Ruiz, Universidad Central de Venezuela

Sociólogo de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales de la Universidad Central de Venezuela (FaCES-UCV-2008); Mg. Sc. en Filosofía de las Ciencias Humanas de la Facultad de Humanidades y Educación de la Universidad Central de Venezuela (FHE-UCV-2022); profesor en la categoría de Asistente en el Departamento de Teoría Social, Escuela de Sociología (FaCES-UCV).


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How to Cite

Ruiz, E. J. . (2024). Notions of love and heartbreak in the corridos tumbados. Temas De Comunicación, 1(48), 19–36.



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