In times of hypercommunication being with yourself? Reflections on the fall of social networks: Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp.


  • Edixela Burgos Andrés Bello Catholic University



Technologies, Internet, digital social networks, critical digital literacy, hypercommunication


On October 4, 2021, Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp crashed worldwide. It took Facebook about 7 hours to restore access to its applications and services, during which time it became evident not only the role played by these technologies, but also the anxieties and attachments for not "being connected". This article will address the structuring role played by technologies and social networks, and the implications for the subject of these disconnections, when these virtual others are not online. Critical digital literacy is proposed as a central area for the education of citizens in complex environments. 


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Author Biography

Edixela Burgos, Andrés Bello Catholic University

Investigadora Asociado adscrita al Centro de Investigación de la Comunicación, CIC-UCAB (2019). Doctora en Ciencias Sociales (UCV, 2020). Magíster Scientiarum en Comunicación Social (UCV-ININCO, 2008). Socióloga de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales (UCV, 2002). Profesora Asociado, Escuela de Sociología de la UCV (2007). Pertenece a la línea Estudios Sociales y Culturales de la Comunicación del CIC.


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How to Cite

Burgos, E. (2022). In times of hypercommunication being with yourself? Reflections on the fall of social networks: Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp . Temas De Comunicación, (44), 229–244.



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