Negativity in political communication, indicators and alternatives: perceptions in Spain in 2019


  • Alfredo Rafael Rojas Calderón



negativity, political communication, Electoral campaigns, Spain


Negativity has established itself as a recognized trend both in political journalism and in electoral campaigns. On this basis, this work investigates the social representations and personal motivations about this phenomenon in Spain. The objective is to know and analyze the perception of the people of Madrid on the use of negativity in political communication, in the context of the Spanish general elections of November 2019. The methodological design has contemplated the research technique of the discussion groups, conceived through an intentional sampling stratified by demographic traits, socioeconomic conditions, and ideological-partisan preferences. They were carried out during the official campaign period and after the voting. The research concludes that people from Madrid identify and characterize negativity in the news and question it as a media trend. To a lesser extent they do so with respect to political strategies.


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How to Cite

Rojas Calderón, A. R. . (2024). Negativity in political communication, indicators and alternatives: perceptions in Spain in 2019. Temas De Comunicación, 1(48), 192–214.



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