Values-based marketing: An investigation of the emotional linkage between brand product marketing and public valuation


  • Carlos Alberto Campos Velázquez Universidad Católica Andrés Bello



marketing, wellbeing, human values


Marketing as a productive, commercial and even personal process, allows to develop in depth the different aspects of the interactions between a supplier, its brands and the different publics to which they are exposed.
The inclusion of human values in this process can have a very favorable impact on interactivity and consolidate the reputation of brands, as well as give a more complete meaning to satisfying people's needs and their quality of life.


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Author Biography

Carlos Alberto Campos Velázquez, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello

Lic. en Administración de Empresas (UCAB, 2001), Especialista en Publicidad, mención Cum Laude (UCAB, 2017). Profesor Asistente UCAB. Área de Investigación: Construcción del concepto de la marca


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How to Cite

Campos Velázquez, C. A. (2023). Values-based marketing: An investigation of the emotional linkage between brand product marketing and public valuation. Temas De Comunicación, (47), 114–133.



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