Nonverbal communication: a pending subject in the training of social communicators. Notes for the study of the paraverbal subsystem of communication.


  • Yasmin Trak Universidad Católica Andrés Bello



communication, nonverbal communication, social communication, proxemics, kinesics


It is a documentary research that delves into the knowledge of nonverbal communication, a tangential topic in the curricula of the main Venezuelan schools of Social Communication. The phases of qualitative analysis were: reduction, presentation and interpretation of data, and verification of conclusions. Conceptual propositions related to functions, elements, and contexts are established, and categorizations are made about purposes, levels and elements of paraverbal communication. The analysis of nonverbal communication is specified from the perspective of audiovisual production, journalism, advertising, and organizational communication. It is concluded that knowledge of aspects related to nonverbal communication allows the social communicator a more complete understanding of the audiences to whom they will direct their messages, a better use of existing codes and media and platforms for transmitting content.


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Author Biography

Yasmin Trak, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello

Candidata a Doctora en Educación, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB), Magíster en Comunicación Social, opción Comunicación Organizacional, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello. Licenciada en Comunicación Social, mención Audiovisual, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello. Profesora de pregrado, postgrado y del Centro Internacional de Actualización Profesional de la Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, CIAP-UCAB. Directora de la Escuela de Comunicación Social, UCAB, sede Caracas.


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How to Cite

Trak, Y. (2023). Nonverbal communication: a pending subject in the training of social communicators. Notes for the study of the paraverbal subsystem of communication. Temas De Comunicación, (47), 20–49.



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