Freedom of the press as a component of the republican ideal within the framework of the initial constituent force


  • Tulio Alberto Álvarez-Ramos Andrés Bello Catholic University



Republic, Democracy, Constitutionalism, Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Information, Public Opinion, Censorship


Freedom of the press was an all-encompassing term for the guarantee to express one's own thoughts and to use information as a source of knowledge. It has been one of the presuppositions of the Initial Constituent Force that shaped a new order; moreover, it will be a basic component of the power relations and the political game that will mark the life of our peoples. Under the review of the debate in the Constituent Congress of Valencia in 1830, we highlight the link between the democratic form and freedom of expression, as a ferment of a plural society and a mechanism of control over the rulers.


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Author Biography

Tulio Alberto Álvarez-Ramos , Andrés Bello Catholic University

Investigador del Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas de la UCAB y profesor Titular en la misma universidad desde 1983. Jefe de Cátedra de Derecho Constitucional y profesor Titular de la UCV desde 1985. Profesor en los doctorados de Ciencias Sociales, Historia y Derecho; además en las maestrías de Filosofía, Derecho Constitucional y Derechos Humanos.


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How to Cite

Álvarez-Ramos , T. A. (2022). Freedom of the press as a component of the republican ideal within the framework of the initial constituent force. Temas De Comunicación, (44), 19–43.



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