The freedoms of social networks in journalistic matters


  • Ysabel Violoria Universidad Central de Venezuela



In a context where, for more than a year, distancing, circulation restrictions and the use of a mask have been imposed to contain infections of a virus that became a pandemic, the journalistic exercise sought alternatives to honor freedom of expression and information.
In a country with limited internet access and a diminished supply of traditional media, we present a review of how the news media have traveled the path of content virtualization until the COVID-19 pandemic catapulted migration efforts to increasingly digital and less face-to-face environments.

The continuity of the study of cyberjournalism is becoming more and more necessary. This brief tour reinforces the permanent concern to characterize and systematize the adaptation processes of journalistic content to the new information dissemination platform.

Keywords: Social networks, pandemic, access, cyberjournalism, diffusion.


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Author Biography

Ysabel Violoria, Universidad Central de Venezuela

Licenciada en Comunicación Social (UCAB 2007), Máster en Edición (UAB, España 2011). Profesora (Instructor) del Departamento de
Periodismo de la Escuela de Comunicación Social UCV y UCSAR-UNIMAR. Directora fundadora de Coordinadora
editorial de Historias que laten. Subcoordinadora del Observatorio Venezolano de Fake News.



How to Cite

Violoria, Y. . (2021). The freedoms of social networks in journalistic matters: Array. Temas De Comunicación, (43), 61–68.



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